Michaela Ö

Behind every bright moon there is a star hidden

Twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder where you are.


I'd almost forgot how much I like the stars, and how cool it is that “the bodies of the sky” actually can tell you your body’s exact location on earth. Last night the moon arrived a bit later than previous nights; hence, I had a chance to enjoy the sight of our beloved milky way. The sky was almost entirely covered by stars, leaving just a fist of black by the horizon and letting the far away vessels shine with their navigational lights instead. We are following our own “leading star”, the forward top light, and not an actual star. Not these days anyway. Would we find home without the instrument of today? I 'm sure, but I don’t like that they, America, have it all in their hands. Global Positioning System, please never go away. You are the true star of today, at least for us lazy mates.
Over and out.
